Despite overwhelming evidence that residential fire sprinklers save lives and property, they’re only present in 7% of home structure fires. Fire alarm and sprinkler systems encompass various devices that accomplish much more than just detecting smoke like the common smoke detector device. This is the key difference between them, and the life and property saving […]
There are many benefits to scheduling an annual maintenance visit from a professional heating company. Proper care of your heating system will ensure your heating costs and stress level are lower, and your peace of mind is higher when the cold weather hits. A well-maintained system can perform its necessary functions faster, better, and with […]
Warm Waters offers a dependable and cost-effective solution for homeowners seeking fire protection for their home and families. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) estimates that a home fire occurs in the U.S. every 88 seconds. Warm Waters offers full service residential fire sprinkler system design, installation, service, and inspection. Many homeowners do not think of […]
Heat pumps have become very popular in recent years as extremely energy efficient options for both heat and air conditioning in homes and offices. We love them because not only are they very dependable and energy efficient, but they offer several other benefits and advantages should you choose one for your home. Heat pumps have […]
Heat pumps are the fastest growing heat source in the US. In 2023, Americans bought 21% more heat pumps than the next-most popular heating appliance, fossil gas furnaces. What is a Heat Pump? A heat pump is a piece of equipment that uses electricity to move heat from one place to another. Heat pumps are extremely […]
Spring has sprung and so begins home maintenance chores as the weather gets nicer. It’s always smart to remember your plumbing systems when going through your to-do list. Inspecting and testing main water equipment such as your water heater, sump pumps, plumbing appliances, and gutters and downspouts can help you to avoid issues like indoor flooding or mold […]
50% of HVAC Repairs Are a Result of No Maintenance Just like changing the oil in your car helps to keep it in good running condition, maintaining your HVAC system goes a long way to keeping heating and cooling systems dependable. But that’s just the start. Annual maintenance is the way to keep your system […]
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are essential components of residential and commercial buildings. They also represent one of the largest expenses. These statistics demonstrate the significant impact they have on our planet and wallets. Updating heat and cooling equipment with Energy Star-certified units can yield annual savings of 10% to 30%. Higher-efficiency equipment can […]
Often the term “furnace” is used to broadly describe a home’s heating system, and many people confuse furnaces and boilers. It’s understandable – both are heating systems for your home or business. There’s a big difference between the two, however. Let us explain: What Is the Difference Between a Boiler and a Furnace? There’s a […]
Winter is about here, and that means lots of work for your heating system. You want the best performance out of your boiler, furnace or heat pump. You also want to make sure it’s reliable, safe, and running at top efficiency. Follow these tips to make sure your heating system is up to the challenge: […]
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