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Category: Heating System Maintenance

working on water pump

Why It’s So Important to Have Your Heating System Inspected Before Winter

There are many benefits to scheduling an annual maintenance visit from a professional heating company. Proper care of your heating system will ensure your heating costs and stress level are lower, and your peace of mind is higher when the cold weather hits. A well-maintained system can perform its necessary functions faster, better, and with […]

The Importance of Maintaining Your HVAC Systems

50% of HVAC Repairs Are a Result of No Maintenance Just like changing the oil in your car helps to keep it in good running condition, maintaining your HVAC system goes a long way to keeping heating and cooling systems dependable. But that’s just the start. Annual maintenance is the way to keep your system […]


Get Your Heating System Ready for Winter

Winter is about here, and that means lots of work for your heating system. You want the best performance out of your boiler, furnace or heat pump. You also want to make sure it’s reliable, safe, and running at top efficiency. Follow these tips to make sure your heating system is up to the challenge: […]

water heater system

Why You Should Schedule Your Annual Heating System Maintenance NOW

If you wait for a frosty morning to think about scheduling your annual heating system inspection and cleaning, it may be too late. This routine maintenance on your furnace, boiler or heat pump ensures it will be ready to work when you need it. It also prevents expensive emergency repairs and serious dangers in your […]

cold in your own home

8 Tips to Help You Avoid an Emergency Heating Repair

An unexpected heating system problem can cause a lot of stress and unexpected expense. We want to help you avoid having to make that emergency repair call this winter! Follow these tips so you can avoid an emergency heating repair: Open Closed Vents Especially in Maine where we pride ourselves on being tough and thrifty, […]